Let's look at the four astrological events taking place in the next two weeks:
→Jun 17th Saturn Retrograde in Pisces (until Nov 3rd)
->Jun 17th/18th New Moon in Gemini 26°
->Jun 19th Jupiter sextile Saturn
->Jun 20th The Grand Trine
-> Jun 21st Sun enters Cancer
On Jun 17th, Saturn turns retrograde at 7° Pisces (until November 3/4). If possible, try to get the matters you initiated in the last three months in order during the coming months (until Nov 3rd). As soon as Saturn stations retrograde, it will sextile (harmonious connection) Jupiter in Taurus. Those with prominent placements at 6º to 8º of the mutable signs (Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius) and/or 21º to 23º of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn) will be under the most significant influence of this transit, experiencing some sort of breakthroughs in the areas of life that were especially problematic over the last few years.
This month's New Moon falls in the air sign Gemini on the 17th-18th, closely squaring mystical Neptune in Pisces (a perfect time to begin healing work). It is also an excellent time for any artistic projects or new hobbies. Juno, the partnership asteroid, is closely aligned with the New Moon, also affected by the deceptive influence of the square to Neptune, creating possible issues in personal relationships. Watch out for any scammers throughout the duration of this New Moon!
On Tuesday, Jun 20th, Pluto at 29º Capricorn forms a Grand Trine with the asteroids Ceres and Vesta (strongest influence from the 18th through 24th). This alignment will primarily influence the natal planets near the cusp of any sign. Those with their Sun, Moon, or Ascendant at 0º or 29º of any sign are likely in the middle of some major change/makeover. For this reason, making constructive changes at this time becomes worthwhile. Vesta in Taurus can signify changes in the financial areas, while Ceres in Virgo boosts job fulfilment and improved well-being, especially by eating healthier.
The Sun enters nurturing water sign Cancer on Tuesday, Jun 21st, when a new season begins - in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the beginning of summer. After an active Gemini season, we can now relax and focus on establishing more emotional safety in our lives.
The following newsletter will have an exclusive suprise for all my e-mail subscribers. In the meantime, enjoy the second part of June and until the next time :-)
Warm regards,
Justyna xo
Photo credit: Photo by Tom Fisk (Pexels)