Astrology Newsletter May 1-14, 2023
My astrology bi-weekly newsletter is changing and only getting better! Discover what the upcoming Pluto Return in Aquarius and the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio mean for your Rising Sign.
Your bi-weekly newsletter is finally here! The following two weeks will be very eventful. The energies are intense; however, if we can get through these next two weeks, the final two weeks of May will be much different, filled with more hope and hopefully tranquillity too!
Let's look at the three astrological events taking place in the next two weeks:
→ On May 1st, Pluto begins its retrograde phase on May 1st, which will last until October 11th
→ The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th
→ Venus moves into Cancer on May 7th until June 5th
On May 1st, Pluto begins its retrograde phase, which will last until October 11th. Pluto will move back into Capricorn on June 11th and will not re-enter Aquarius until January 2024.
Over the next six weeks, we will work through the issues Pluto has brought upon us in recent weeks with its first brief stay in Aquarius. These include the extreme disruptions in the economy, banking and finance and the many protests and strikes in various countries around the globe.
What may Pluto retrograde in Aquarius bring for your rising sign in May/early June 2023?:
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Aries Ascendant
New realisations concerning your friendships and deepest desires.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Taurus Ascendant
New realisations concerning your career and public status.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Gemini Ascendant
New realisations concerning your life direction.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Cancer Ascendant
New realisations concerning the areas of life that lost their spark and purpose.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Leo Ascendant
New realisations concerning your love life and personal relationships.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Virgo Ascendant
New realisations concerning your employment, well-being and daily routine.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Libra Ascendant
New realisations concerning your romantic partner, children and/or personal projects.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Scorpio Ascendant
New realisations concerning your domestic life and family dynamics.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Sagittarius Ascendant
New realisations concerning your communication skills as well as people from your community.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Capricorn Ascendant
New realisations concerning your income and money spending habits.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Aquarius Ascendant
New realisations concerning your identity, goals and physical appearance.
Pluto Retrograde Horoscope for Pisces Ascendant
New realisations concerning your mental health and private life.
The next major event in early May is the South Node Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 5th at 14 degrees of Scorpio. A lunar eclipse is a very powerful full moon, and an important factor that transforms a full moon into a lunar eclipse are the nodes; the Moon doesn't have to be exactly conjunct with the nodes for it to be eclipsed; however, it has to be within a certain proximity.
A South Node Lunar Eclipse can generally seem more negative in effect, depending on the perspective and the circumstances, forcing us to let go of something (it can be positive in the end).
A lunar eclipse often corresponds with significant and unexpected changes. Anything that happens during an eclipse would have occurred sooner or later—eclipses simply accelerate the timeline. Any endings (professional, romantic, emotional or domestic) that arise during the eclipse season help clear space for exciting new opportunities and new beginnings.
Scorpio is a fixed sign, and an eclipse in a fixed sign suggests long-term, enduring or finalising results. Water eclipses influence water, seas and rivers, but they are also related to women, children, emotions, psychological and spiritual matters, oil, water, chemistry, sewage, recycling, hospitals, loans, and sea life. There might be financial and economic changes of significant proportion and long-lasting effects with the Scorpio and Taurus axis activation.
South Node Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for each Rising Sign
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for ARIES ASCENDANT
This is a transformative time. Expect intense self-transformation and self-cleansing. Your decisions in the next 3-6 months can profoundly change your life for better or worse. This is an unstable time for risky decisions or investments. This lunar eclipse highlights your most profound relationships with others. The solar point in the 2nd house may bring rewards and gradually improve your financial situation due to possible financial gains thanks to your skills and talents.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for TAURUS ASCENDANT
You may experience ups and downs in marriage, relationships, legal matters or financial associations during this time. You may also become involved or take part in a social event. This is an ideal period for introducing healthy changes in your life by letting go of anything that outlived its purpose. This eclipse may trigger you to gain complete control over the circumstances that emerge at this time.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for GEMINI ASCENDANT
This eclipse turns your attention onto your health, employment, diet, home improvements and overall body cleansing. You are likely to put more attention on work or health-related matters. You may experience one of several scenarios:
Deadline press on significant work projects.
The end of a job.
Getting a new job, you have wanted for a while or dealing with co-workers-related issues.
If you feel uncertain about your life now, you can change that by becoming more involved with people around you in your work life and your personal life.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for CANCER ASCENDANT
This is likely going to be a very emotional time for Cancers. This lunar eclipse may stimulate your life's romantic and adventurous side. This Lunar Eclipse may also encourage you to gain the skills you need to further your career. Your desire for fun and entertainment will also be stimulated at this time, making you feel strongly about things that give you satisfaction. At the same time, watch out that you don't sacrifice other areas of life where your energies may be needed.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for LEO ASCENDANT
This Lunar Eclipse will likely prompt you to establish a solid and secure foundation to build a life for yourself successfully. Gaining a greater sense of independence will give you a better perspective on life. The urge to succeed in your career may prompt you to reach your objectives and use your creative talents, the ultimate solution to access the gateway to your future.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for VIRGO ASCENDANT
Under the influence of this particular lunar eclipse, you might attract situations in which you must extend yourself when working with others, and this can make you feel that others know more than you. However, it could be the other way around, with others perceiving you as highly intellectual. For this reason, the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is an excellent time to regain self-confidence in your abilities, as you are probably more capable of much more than you realise.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for LIBRA ASCENDANT
This eclipse shines a light on your finances, resources, and possessions. With the solar point activated in the 8th house, you might see a settlement or a financial transaction that deposits money in your hand or bank account. Your unique abilities and skills are highlighted now, meaning someone might recognise or be drawn to your talents.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for SCORPIO ASCENDANT
This eclipse exposes the personal issues of your partner or some external social affair that could impact you personally. This lunar eclipse could also end a significant chapter in your relationship or business partnership. Furthermore, often legal matters end with a lunar eclipse in the first house. The Sun in the seventh may signify your support for your significant other.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT
This eclipse could bring a private and secretive matter to the surface. Issues with co-workers or people from your everyday life could invade your privacy. You might also have to attend to health-related issues.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for CAPRICORN ASCENDANT
Your sphere of friendships is highlighted at this time. Your friendship with another person might be tested, or your relationship with groups you belong to or organisations. You may have a greater need to seek validation from your friends and group activities. With the solar point activated in your fifth house of creativity, children and romance, this could also be about a significant event related to your child or the romantic partner in your life that may take place. Alternatively, you may be completing an important project you have been working on for quite some time.
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for AQUARIUS ASCENDANT
This Lunar Eclipse could bring or initiate significant life changes. For some, a change in career direction is possible following a brand-new career. Depending on your age, you may leave home and start a more independent life to establish your own identity. The Sun's presence in your fourth house illuminates the domestic sphere matters in this most personal area of your chart. Major conclusions about the home and housing issues, parents and family structures are brought into the open public view area (tenth house).
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio Horoscope for PISCES ASCENDANT
You may travel with siblings or friends. Foreign language studies are highlighted with this eclipse, and anything to do with writing, publishing and public speaking. This lunar eclipse offers you a new perspective or a broader vision of your life. Alternatively, your sibling might get married or have a child. The Sun's presence illuminates the third house matters. Under this influence, you can sharpen your networking skills. Changes to your neighbourhood are possible at this time.
Finally, two days later, on May 7th, Venus enters Cancer, where it will stay until June 5th. Venus feels comfortable in Cancer, ready to spread her love and devotion wherever she goes. Venus in Cancer motivates us to find more secure and affectionate relationships since it's very emotionally connected to love.
Find out how this transit will influence your rising sign on a deeper level:
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for ARIES ASCENDANT
While Venus stays in nurturing water, sign Cancer, emotions and closeness are significant to you. You can intuitively sense the moods and needs of others. At times you can be careless and prone to being offended. With Venus in Cancer, family and home-related matters are essential to you. You want others to feel cosy and comfortable at your home.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for TAURUS ASCENDANT
With Venus transiting your third house, you value communication in relationships with other people. You may also have a strong need to share your thoughts and ideas with others. Writing could be satisfying throughout this period.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for GEMINI ASCENDANT
This transit makes you highly sensual and seductive. You enjoy the comfort and pleasant experiences and surround yourself with luxury and beautiful objects. Watch your spending as your taste might be more extravagant than usual throughout this period.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for CANCER ASCENDANT
Venus, in your sign, makes you express your feelings spontaneously, charmingly and lovingly. You can attract interesting opportunities with your vibrant energy, enthusiasm and charm throughout this time.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for LEO ASCENDANT
You may become more secretive about your love life than usual throughout this time. Any romantic relationship that you begin now, you will likely want to keep it a secret, at least in the initial phase. Venus' placement here makes you more compassionate and sensual towards others.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for VIRGO ASCENDANT
Your friends might seem more supportive than usual throughout this time. You will likely attract interesting opportunities or meet unique individuals when you engage in social activities. Venus transit in your eleventh house of social events can make you a social butterfly.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for LIBRA ASCENDANT
With Venus transiting your tenth house this month, you will likely be attracted to those older than you. This will likely be a fruitful time in your career life when you make a pleasing impression on your superiors and those in authority. Venus may also help you attract a profitable project or a work opportunity throughout this time.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for SCORPIO ASCENDANT
With Venus transiting your ninth house this month, you will likely enjoy being on the move and getting involved in activities that help you meet new people and expand your life prospects. You will appreciate spending time with people with similar views and ideas in your free time.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for SAGITTARIUS ASCENDANT
When Venus transits your eighth house, you attract people with a particular magnetism and mystery in behaviour. You become a passionate and sensual person with strong feelings. You will likely attract profitable opportunities if you collaborate or join forces with others.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for CAPRICORN ASCENDANT
Under the influence of this transit, you want to maintain harmonious relationships with others and dislike being offended or disrespected at all costs. If others treat you respectfully and politely, you will reward them with kindness and appreciation.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for AQUARIUS ASCENDANT
With Venus transiting your sixth house this month, you will crave fun and creativity in your daily life. Your sugar cravings may increase. Try to stay active and maintain a healthy diet. Venus transiting this area of your chart, will create harmony in your work environment.
Venus in Cancer Horoscope for PISCES ASCENDANT
With Venus transiting your fifth house, you enjoy feeling special and want to be noticed by others. In love, you can be very romantic and, at the same time, dramatic, inclined to essential words and grand gestures. You may dive into a new creative project as your need to express yourself creatively is likely to increase.
I hope this breakdown of major astrological events in the early days of May was helpful!
What you can expect in the following newsletter: (comes out on Sunday, May 14th)
-> Mercury goes direct in Taurus on May 15th
-> Jupiter moves in Taurus on May 16th
-> A New Moon in Taurus on May 19th
-> Mars moves into Leo on May 20th
Those with essential placements in Taurus and Leo, prepare for a time of action in the upcoming months!
Thank you for reading & until the next time!
Justyna x
Wow super