Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus, Virgo New Moon and Mercury Direct in Virgo 2023
As we get further into the Virgo Season, Venus Stations Direct in Leo, Mercury Stations Direct in Virgo at the time of the Virgo New Moon - Astrology of September 4-17th, 2023
-> September 3/4th Venus Direct in Leo
-> September 4th Jupiter Rx in Taurus
-> September 15th New Moon in Virgo & Mercury Direct in Virgo
The month of September is an opportunity for reflection and reexamination of various spheres of life. Use this time to declutter, grow and develop relationships, and get organised.
On September 4th, Jupiter turns retrograde in the earth sign Taurus at 15 degrees. This will be a four-month retrograde in total that could bring some significant changes to our lives. Jupiter retrograde transit reoccurs roughly every thirteen months. This is a time when we have to deal with matters concerning personal growth and development. The area of life influenced by Jupiter retrograde will require more work and extra attention.
Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Horoscope for Your Rising Sign
♈︎ ARIES ♈︎
During this time, you will re-establish or redefine your personal values and your sense of wealth/abundance.
♉︎ TAURUS ♉︎
This retrograde can make you more competitive, wanting to be recognised for your accomplishments. Often, under the influence of this retrograde, one may become highly independent.
♊︎ GEMINI ♊︎
This retrograde may stimulate you to do soul-searching through your research/studies rather than seeking it through others. Your intuition is likely to be heightened at this time, too.
♋︎ CANCER ♋︎
You may need more versatile lifestyle experiences. Your attitude towards life is likely to be more open-minded. When cooperating with others (in group activities), you may choose/prefer to do things your own way.
♌︎ LEO ♌︎
You may want to change your career direction. Alternatively, if you are currently undergoing career changes, you may question every career step you take.
♍︎ VIRGO ♍︎
You may find it difficult to express your knowledge to others. You might experience an increased desire for freedom, adventure and independence.
♎︎ LIBRA ♎︎
You may experience stronger sexual urges and an inner desire to form deeper connections with others. You might also become more secretive than usual throughout this time.
During this time, you might see yourself through the eyes of others, with a greater need to gain the respect of the important people in your life.
You will have to deal with many tasks simultaneously (multitasking) but may find it more challenging to finish whatever you start. Your expectations of others might be higher during this time. However, keep in mind that sometimes the expectations can't meet reality.
During this time, you may set some high goals for yourself. However, there is a tendency with this retrograde to overestimate the ability to accomplish all the objectives that one sets for themselves.
There is a tendency with this transit to become overly emotional, often going back in thoughts into happy memories. Alternatively, this transit may create situations when you feel like some family members are standing in your way or blocking your life progress.
♓︎ PISCES ♓︎
Under the influence of this transit, you may become impersonal when interacting with others, preferring to listen rather than get involved in the conversations. Your mind might be restless now, and you may sometimes find it difficult to express yourself.
Venus in Leo stations direct on September 3/4th, causing possible changes in the areas of relationships, values and finances. After a rather introverted phase, Venus deeply craves adventure and may be impatient to fulfil her wishes. From now on, material and sensual desires are in the limelight and, with them, the theme of wealth and fortune and their protection.
September 15th New Moon falls at 22° of earth sign Virgo, turning our attention onto health, diet, exercise and work with a greater tendency towards perfectionism. Since Virgo loves precision, you will likely want to become better organised and more efficient in whatever you do. With the Moon phase in the mutable sign Virgo, you might want to improve your life by redefining your daily routine, which leads to a healthier lifestyle. You may also become more detail-oriented and conscious of your daily schedule. Household routines become the focus.
This New Moon forms a trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus, which can play out in several ways. For instance, you want to do something completely different from the usual routine. Alternatively, you might suddenly decide you want to implement changes in your personal life, or you might receive unexpected news or a suprise that will force you to change your plans. Since trine is considered one of the luckiest and most harmonious aspects, this planetary combination may bring you new opportunities.
The New Moon will also oppose Neptune in Pisces, and here, with this alignment, you may experience a push-and-pull effect in a particular life scenario when you might have to find a middle ground for both possibilities to exist.
Mercury turns direct in Virgo 8° on the day of the New Moon. At this turning point, Mercury offers a renewed sense of direction, especially concerning the necessary details, documents, and social connections to proceed. When Mercury is retrograde, it's not performing smoothly, and there can be plenty of mishaps related to anything ruled by Mercury, including transportation, commerce, or communication. Once Mercury stations direct, it needs a few days to regulate its orbit, and then you'll be good to go. Any delays, frustration, or confusion surrounding Mercury-ruled matters will soon find resolution.
I hope this breakdown of major astrological events happening in the next two weeks was helpful!
Thank you for reading & until the next time!
Justyna x