Venus in Libra, Mercury in Sagittarius and a New Moon in Scorpio - Astrology of Oct 30 -Nov 12, 2023
Scorpio season: the time of transformation and regeneration
As we move into the new month of November, the Sun, Mars, and Mercury are now in the transformative water sign Scorpio, opposing expansive Jupiter and erratic Uranus in Taurus. The Scorpio and Taurus polarity highlighted throughout this time could bring disputes and controversies over money, taxes and interest rates. Especially since we will have also just moved away from the Taurus Lunar Eclipse that brought the issues of the economy and the cost of living crisis into light.
The Sun and Jupiter opposition becomes exact on November 3 (Friday). The Sun is in a challenging connection with Jupiter, which may bring chaos to commerce, trade and businesses. Simultaneously, Uranus and Mercury's opposition on November 4 symbolises a potential increased activity in politics, and here again, the issues of money and finances are highlighted under the influence of the Taurus/Scorpio axes being activated. On a more personal level, the Sun opposite Jupiter creates opportunities for success, good fortune, and increased happiness. Significant projects can turn out well with little effort or much struggle.
The highlight of this period is Saturn ending its retrograde phase on November 4, allowing us to solve complex problems with consideration, determination, and persistence. When Saturn changes direction, we may suddenly change our mind about a specific matter we have been dealing with for quite some time.
When a planet stations direct (or retrograde), it spends an unusual amount of time at the same degree of the zodiac, pulling our attention to a particular area of our life that requires our attention. To learn more, watch my latest video about Saturn, where I discuss how this event will influence each rising sign on a deeper level.
Venus enters Libra on November 8, its sign of domicile, where she will remain through to the end of the month, until December 4. Since Libra is the most balanced zodiac sign, adding Venus' harmonious energy emphasises justice, pleasure, and tranquillity. Libra gives an airy energy to sensual Venus, encouraging us all to seek greater peace within us and with others.
On November 10, Mercury moves into Sagittarius until December 1, changing our communication style into humorous, philosophical, enthusiastic and intellectual. As Mercury shifts into this adventurous fire sign, it will form a tense connection with Saturn in Pisces. Mercury in a square to Saturn in mundane astrology disturbs railways and trade generally; it is also unfortunate for writers, education, and publishing.
A day later, Mars in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus, and this is when powerful tensions may occur in both private and public life. Mars's opposition, Uranus, is unfortunate for the ruling power of any nation, brings sudden and unexpected trouble, and disturbs the government and Parliament, causing excitement, conflict, and strikes.
On November 13, there is a Scorpio New Moon in opposition to Uranus. The Moon is in its fall when placed in Scorpio. A planet is considered to be in its fall when it is positioned directly opposite a planet's sign of exaltation. As the exaltation is a place of awareness for the planet, the fall is a position of weakness concerning the function of the planet, including everything else the planet represents. During a New Moon in Scorpio, we tend to direct our emotions inwards, which can become intense and obsessive. With an emotional intensity and a strong need for excitement, you might create drama under stressful circumstances.
The Moon in Scorpio also creates the need to understand feelings on a deeper level. This is when we desire meaningful emotional interactions (more than at any other time), and shallow relationships or conversations will not satisfy us.
With an emotional intensity and a strong need for drama, under stressful circumstances, we might create drama and intensity in your life.
The theme of this New Moon is related to money, mortgages, investments, death, rebirth, transformation, gains and losses. Scorpio's captivating nature can manifest in us being pulled into something or someone compulsively and irresistibly. However, getting to the root of any issue may seem too intense, so we might instinctively pull back. Trust issues might be at stake in order to feel safe.
This new Moon is opposite Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is still retrograde, which suggests that the current life situation could remain unresolved or uncertain. We might have to put more effort into managing a set of events. Uranus is the planet of the sudden and the unexpected, so we may see some unexpected events or circumstances that feel out of our control. Rebellious energy may run high, and we must be careful with how we use that. The New Moon and Uranus opposition can cause emotional upsets and relationship disturbance. Whether self-inflicted or out of your control, how you react to change is essential. Careless or rashed responses and emotionally based decisions could turn something of minor significance into complete chaos. This is not the right time to make significant decisions, especially about relationships, as our intuition is unlikely to work accurately.
I hope this breakdown of major astrological events happening in the next two weeks was helpful!
Thank you for reading & until the next time!
Justyna x